Sunday, December 30, 2012

Round One...Ding, Ding

Well this week I had my first treatment. I did chemo on Thursday, and then the shot to boost my immune system Friday. The chemo wasn't bad (they told me the first one would be easy), but the shot hasn't been very fun. It feels just like everyone has been telling me. It feels like the flu. Achy body, chills, and my neck hurts. But, in all honesty I have felt worse. The nurses keep telling me that it has a snowball effect, so I have a lot of fun to look forward to! Sarcasm.

There are 21 beds in the infusion suite (if I counted right), and every single one was full Thursday. They were super busy! Between Christmas and the snow, they had to fit 5 days of treatments into 2. I have MUCH respect for nurses!! Everyone there was super nice, and talkative, even the other patients...the old guys like to joke around, so Rey definitely got in on that! :) 

I also realized why having an infusaport will make my life so much easier. First, I won't have to get an IV every treatment. There's absolutely no pain involved when they access my port, and it's easy. Second, I don't have to worry about a vein blowing, which unfortunate for the lady it happened to, I got to observe. The nurse also let me know that one of the chemo meds I'm taking could be excruciatingly painful if it were to get out of the vein, so I'm glad I won't have to worry about that!!

Infusion Suite

Rey took this while I was snoozing...not my most flattering picture! :)

The treatment was about 3 hours long. The blood work and waiting made my total time there about 5 hours, but they were really busy so it probably won't take that long next time. I got a slew of different meds before actually starting the ABVD (that's the type of chemo I'm getting) like Benadryl, Pepcid, anti-nausea, steroids and some other things to help counter the side effects of the chemo. It's all those pre-meds that made me really, really sleepy. I brought my stuff to study, but that didn't work out real well. I did get to read a little bit, but I mostly just relaxed. I went to work right after, so I had on my nice clothes...won't be doing that again. I'll go home and change next time!


  1. Rosella,
    I went to high school with your mom. She was always such a sweet person! Please know there are people you have never met praying for you. People who believe in and have experienced the miracle working power of an Almighty God! He never changes nor does He ever fail!
    Sherri Miner Terry

    1. Thank you!! I appreciate your prayers!! He is an AMAZING God!!

  2. Found your blog via pinterest. I am a HL IIB survivor. Completed treatment (ABVD & Radiation) in Aug of 2011. Wishing you tons of luck! I'd be happy to help in any way if you have questions.
