Tuesday, January 15, 2013


So, the last few weeks I feel like everywhere I turn I'm being slapped in the face with "perspective." I honestly don't mean that in a negative way...I mean it as like there's no denying what I'm supposed to take from the situations I've heard/seen/experienced. Like God is right in my face telling me, "you have all you will ever need. Know this! Remember this!" In my heart I know I do, but let's face it, it's a daily battle fighting against what "the world" thinks you should have, and what you actually need.

Here's a few examples.

Thursday at our COPAS meeting we had a speaker from the Wichita Falls Area Food Bank. Unfortunately I cannot remember his name for the life of me (I'm horrible with names), but he gave a very touching presentation about the crazy statistics in our very own community. You always hear about people in the big metropolitan areas, but in our little town. It was eye-opening! He said that, statistically speaking, you can look out your front door, and one of your three neighbors does not know when their next meal will be. That means 25% of our population is what they call food insecure. It took everything in me not to burst into tears by the end of the presentation. It made me remember. Perspective.

A few days before, a friend of mine's sister texted her asking for prayers. A lady that she's in the homeschool co-op with was driving with her 5 year old and 7 year old daughters, and they were rear-ended. Both little girls went to be with Jesus, and the mother is paralyzed awaiting surgery on her spine. In the blink of eye her precious girls were taken from her. Without one more kiss, without one more "I love you." It made me remember. Perspective.

Then there was worship service Sunday. I'm pretty sure if you were sitting around me I looked crazy. It was one of those shaking shoulders, sobbing uncontrollably, raccoon eyes moments. I don't remember which songs we were singing specifically, but all I know is I felt this overwhelming emotion come over me. I know it was Him. Every song we sang reminded me to trust Him, and that as long as I have Him I have everything I need. I need those reminders. That's why for the most part I pretty much listen to KLove all the time now. It's what keeps me grounded. It keeps me happy. It keeps Jesus in my life every day. It has changed my whole attitude towards life over the last year. I used to listen to some crazy music. My favorite band was Cradle of Filth. Not something I'd want my kids to listen to for sure, and beware if you decide to Google them. Anyways, I started listening to KLove, and everything changed. It wasn't angry. It wasn't crazy. It was uplifting, and happy, and wonderful! Before you know it you're a different person. If you don't already listen to Christian music, I strongly suggest trying the 30 day challenge. See how it changes you. And, like I said before it made me remember. Perspective.


So, yes we don't live in a 2500 square foot house, we drive 10+ year old cars, we DO NOT wear designer clothes (unless they're hand-me-downs), I've never owned a Coach purse, and to be quite honest we've had times where in the famous words of Dave Ramsey, we've had to draw the line. But, here's what we do have. We have a roof over our head, we have food in our tummies, we have healthy amazing children, we have loving family and friends, a church home, and most importantly we have an Amazing God that provides what we need. Not what we want, what we need. So slap me in the face with perspective. It's what I require. I will take arguing kids over an empty house, a dinner of hot dogs and mac and cheese over growling bellies, and I will take a closer relationship with God over self sufficiency any day!! Because in the end, He's all that really matters.

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